martedì 22 dicembre 2009

Herbal Testosterone Replacement! No doctors! No Drugs!

Let your testosterone levels fall too low, and you will begin to suffer.


Testosterone is the fuel that gets a man out of the bed in the morning, ready to take on the world!

Let your tank dry up, and you're going to run out of gas.

You can avoid this problem by taking over the counter, Herbal Testosterone Boosters

How can you tell if you need these supplements?

Following are some of the symptoms that occur when T levels drop too low.

If any of these sound familiar to you, herbal Testosterone may be the answer you're looking for.

Lack of Motivation!

When testosterone levels drop, so does the drive and motivation to go out and live life to the fullest.

When a beer in one hand, and a TV remote in the other becomes the norm for you, it may be time for you to go to work on your T levels.

Loss of Morning Erections!

Testosterone levels are at their highest in the early morning hours. A loss of morning wood is a clear sign that your T levels have taken a hike.

Do yourself a favor, and don't settle until they start showing up like clockwork, every single day of the week.

Loss of Muscle Mass!

It's impossible to put on lean body mass without adequate levels of T running through your veins. It's also tough to keep the muscle you already have as your male hormone levels begin to decline.


Once the testosterone starts to disappear, you can count on the fact that your muscle mass is not too far behind.

Lack of Sex Drive!

Sex drive and testosterone are bedfellows, partners, compadres.

You simply cannot have one without the other!

When you stop looking twice at the pretty women walking down the street.

When your sexual energy drys up, and your motivation for love disappears, this is a clear sign that your T tank is empty.

Male Testosterone Levels!

So what can you do to get your T levels back up into the normal range?

I recommend natural testosterone supplements!

I use them myself, and so do most of my clients.

These herbs have a big advantage over hormone replacement therapy.

If taken correctly, and at the proper dosages, they rarely cause unwanted side effects.

No so with hormone therapy!

Go this route and you will experience side effects,

They include...


Hair Loss


Wild Mood Swings



Testicular Atrophy

Gyno (Development of Male Breasts)

Choose natural methods over replacement therapy, and you'll avoid these side effects.

For Information On...

More Than 2 Dozen Powerful Sex Boosting Herbs!


A little known secret that teaches you how to cycle your supplements so they deliver a powerful hormonal punch each and every time you take them,


Natural Testosterone Boosters

lunedì 21 dicembre 2009

Determining If an Annuity is Right for You

Today, there are many people, regarded as baby boomers, who are reaching retirement age. One consideration that many people this age are faced with is whether or not they want to purchase an annuity. First, it is important to understand that an annuity is a way to secure your income after retirement by guaranteeing you a lifetime salary. In many cases, an annuity can also provide income for your loved one or spouse after you die.

Over the course of your working life, chances are you have a SIPP or pension fund. An annuity converts your pension fund or SIPP into regular income. There are many benefits of purchasing an annuity but likewise there are many precautions that must be taken before the purchase is made final. Where benefits are concerned, you can chose to receive your annuity in yearly, half-yearly quarterly or monthly installments or you can choose to have the annuity income paid in advance or arrears. Other choices include level income that pays the same amount the rest of your life or escalating income that starts at a lower initial rate but increases annually.

You may discover that there are many more benefits to purchasing a retirement annuity. The best way to discover more of how an annuity can benefit you during your retirement years, you can start by seeking more information from one of the many helpful Internet websites. For example, once the cooling off period of a conventional annuity has passed, you cannot move it to another annuity provide or change the options selected at the initial purchase. For this reason and many others, it is very imperative to take your time deciding which annuity is right for you.

Many annuity providers are generally the same but you should take into account the rate being offered as well as the stability of the company and their financial strength. Choosing one of the pension annuity rates that suits your needs for retirement income is not something that can be done casually. These factors are important because you will be with this same company the rest of your life. It only takes a relatively short period of time to set up your annuity once the decision making process is complete but the process cannot be rushed.

Some delays are in getting your annuity arranged can be due to the pension provider's conditions. Sometimes it can take an extensive amount of time get your funds transfer from your pension provider to the annuity provider you've chosen. The usual amount of time it takes to arrange an annuity, however, is between three and eight weeks. With a conventional annuity, once it is set up, if you have one of the best annuity rates selected, you are guaranteed this rate for life. The small window of change is only during the two weeks that your funds are being transferred from your pension provider. If the rate is significantly different, you will receive a final quote for acceptance and you are entitled to find a more suitable provider if you are not satisfied.

Understanding Claim Back Payment Protection Insurance (PPI)

If you have a mortgage, credit card or have taken out one of many different kinds of loans, chances are you were sold some payment protection insurance (PPI) at the time. You may not have even been aware of it, which means that there's a good possibility that this insurance was optional and that you may have been miss-sold PPI. No matter what form of PPI you may have inadvertently purchased, you may be eligible to claim back the PPI charges.

First, here is a glance at some of the different kinds of PPI that are widely recognized and used by banks and other lending institutions:

  • Accident, sickness and unemployment coverage (ASU)
  • Mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI)
  • Personal loan protection (PLP)
  • Credit card repayment protection (CCRP)
  • Life, accident, sickness and unemployment (Life & ASU)

If any of these forms of PPI look familiar, you may be entitled to a refund of all the premiums paid and may want to learn more about what is necessary to file one of these PPI Claims. As already mentioned, you may be eligible based on the fact that you were sold PPI by a finance company that did not make it clear that the PPI was optional and may have included your premiums in with your loan repayment figures to give you the impression that you were required to have the PPI.

By now, you may be wondering "Can I claim back the PPI charges?" and it's the direct line of thinking that should be considered at this point. If you believe that you were forced to take out a policy, you may be eligible to claim back PPI by simply filling out an online form at one of the websites where help is available. This will help agents to determine whether or not you qualify for a refund of some or all of your premiums.

Many unethical lenders give the impression that PPI is a must and that it provides peace of mind if you lose your job or take ill. However, it is important to understand that PPI is not included in the APR. This means that your loan can wind up costing you more than you anticipate because the insurance premiums are loaded onto your loan and you can end up paying interest for them. The good news is that the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has established strict standards that these companies must adhere to. Even more importantly, there are been companies who have been fined by the FSA for failings related how the sales of these PPI offerings have been implemented.

If you believe that you are one such individual who has concerns regarding PPI and the circumstances under which it was paid, you can start the process for filing one of the PPI Compensation Claims to learn whether or not you have a refunding coming. For the price of a little due diligence, you can submit a call back form at one of the websites that have knowledgeable staff on hand to contact you to discuss your situation.

sabato 19 dicembre 2009

Make A Resolution To Quit Smoking For 2010

Smoking is very bad for health and can be the cause of many serious illnesses such as throat or lung cancer. For less serious cases, health impairment comes in the form of throat irritations, mouth ulcers, or lack of breath.

Many smokers have been trying to quit smoking. Unfortunately, some do so without much success. Many successfully stopped smoking for a few months, only to find the bad habit resurface some time down the road. It is not uncommon for smokers to suffer a relapse. The habit is very hard to kick. Let's take a look at some reasons why smoking is such a stubborn habit to eliminate.

Reason 1: Peer influence.

Many smokers pick up the habit of smoking from their peers. Peers have a strong influence. If you are trying to stop smoking but you are surrounded by friends who smoke, you may be fighting an uphill battle. To overcome this obstacle, you need to have the will power and determination to say "no" to smoking. Hypnotherapy can help you with this. If you still find it hard to quit smoking due to peer influence, it may be better to find new friends.

Reason 2: Sheer habit.

As the saying goes, "old habits die hard." It is very hard to break a habit that has been ingrained for years. Sometimes, we hear smokers using this reason as an excuse.

"I have been smoking for more than 10 years. You think it's so easy to quit?"

Sounds familiar? Don't let that be an excuse though. It's just too easy to look for an excuse not to quit. Instead, try looking for reasons that will motivate you to quit smoking. Yes, it is true it's harder to change an old habit, but it can be done. With will power and patience, you will succeed.

Whatever the reason is, it always help if you can strengthen your resolve to quit smoking. There are many ways you can do this. Here are some suggestions.

1) The new year is coming, so make a new year's resolution to quit smoking. This is the time to remind yourself why you want to quit smoking.

2) Don't just make a resolution in your head. Write it down on paper and list down all the reasons why you wish to quit smoking.

3) After writing down the reasons, list down the benefits and rewards of quitting the bad habit. Be as specific as possible. For instance, write down how much money you can save per month if you manage to kick the bad habit. Then write down the amount of money you can save for the entire year so that you can see the substantial savings.

4) Some things money can't buy - like health and relationships. Once you quit smoking, you will be able to enjoy better health, which means that you have more energy for everything else. With more energy, you find that you are able to participate more in social activities. As a result, your social circles grows, and you make more friends.

Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes - Visit mySuccessClub the Gold Coast Hypnotherapy Specialists.

lunedì 14 dicembre 2009

How to use effective Email List

Stay away from the email vendor con artists that tell you that they only 'rent' data. They have to send it! Your company should not take the chance of having its name in an email going out without your company having possession of the data that proves how that data was opt-in. Additionally, you will never even know how many emails bounced. Many of these phony email 'renters' would never give you the email because almost all of it will bounce! Emails from are sold and yours to keep.

You also need to own it so you can email it as much as you want. These poor email list providers will not even email all that you purchased! Furthermore unless you are a major corporation your email is going out at 3 am and therefore doesn't get as much attention as it gets clumped with all the other email to be reviewed in the morning. With Database Emailer you can send and how often as you like.

You need to realize that email companies lease their email servers and pay $99 a month and can email about 100 million a month and they incredibly tell you that 'they need to charge you' $1,000 per million. Nonsense!

If these 'renters' costs are that high it's because their data is causing spamming complaints and having their email servers Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and domain names black-listed by the email recipients Internet Service Providers (ISP's) and therefore the emailer needs to keep buying new IP addresses. That is the scam they play. You need to take possession of that data because you need to send it multiple times as most people need to see a message more than a few times before they buy.

Specialty Data Caution: When you are buying data you also need to be very careful, especially if you are buying a specialty list, for example 'golfers.' Unlike Database Emailer, the email suppliers will tell you that they have a 'golfer' consumer file but give you data in which you would never know whether the data records are actually 'golfers.' The only way that you can be assured that the data record was actually a 'golfer' is to confirm with the email supplier that the data that you will receive will include the opt-in website in which the data record opted-in and it will relate to 'golf.' If the email supplier just tells you that the data records are 'golfers' with zero actual proof, that email supplier is simply scamming you!

venerdì 11 dicembre 2009

Whiplash Compensation Claims - How to Make a Claim and What is Involved in the Process

It's a nasty bit of business that no one really ever wants to have to deal with. Whiplash injury often results not only in physical discomfort and pain from injuries due to whiplash but can cause loss of wages and problems at your place of employment due to time missed from work. The bottom line is that you have a right to be compensation for your troubles but no one may come knocking at your door or ringing your doorbell to help you understand those rights or more importantly, to guide you along the process you need to follow to make a claim for the compensation you deserve.

Fortunately, you've found your way to this article and here is where you are going to the important information you need to understand how to file your whiplash claim without any double talk or legal jargon that's confusing. Let's start with some of the symptoms you may be experiencing. They include dizziness, nausea, headaches and/or migraines and pain in the neck and shoulders. If you have any of one or more of these symptoms, you should get in a visit to your medical professional as soon as possible. This will afford proper medical treatment of your condition and provide you with legal proof that you have been the victim of whiplash.

Next you want to put in a bit of due diligence to seek out a professional legal entity who can process your claim for whiplash compensation. If this sounds like a daunting task, rest assured that with the proper searching, you will find that there are professionals available and ready to help you make your claim with little to no trouble on your part at all. These agents will solicit you to fill out a simple form that can be completed online in a matter of 30 seconds or less than a minute.

You'll receive a telephone call to answer pivotal questions that help to determine whether or not you have a case. Once the determination has been made, provided that you have put yourself in touch with the right agents, their legal team will set out to investigate right away and work diligently to get your claim up and going. The good news is that there are agents who offer these services under the agreement that if you don't receive any financial compensation for your whiplash claim, they don't get any monies either.

With such a peace of mind assurance on the table, you can pursue your compensation right away and know that you won't be out of pocket for any expenses unless you first get the money you deserve for your injury. You may be wondering how much you are entitled to for your whiplash claim. The simple answer is that it depends on the severity of your injury. In other words, the average compensation for whiplash is 3,500 GBP but in some severe cases of whiplash, it can be as much as 12,500 GBP.

So if you've been injured and sought medical attention, now is the time to make your whiplash claim and get the compensation you deserve!

mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009

Latest Spain News And Articles In English

Latest Spain News And Articles In English - It seems that Spain is like any other country. The people have concerns and worries like any other. They have a love for their favorite sports teams, they believe in creating tougher laws for criminal behavior, they worry about their future and livelihood, and they have spiritual values. Many of the current items in Spain's news are issues that are closest to the Spanish people.


The 2010 World Cup is creating a huge amount of excitement to Spain is this is the first European team to win all ten matches in the qualifying group for Europe. The national team La Roja is the biggest draw in Spain's for quite some time. Currently Spain is hoping to have a decent line up for the games. Can La Roja possibly break Spain's record of fourth place in the World Cup in 1950? Time will only tell, but millions will be watching to find out.


Seventy-five percent of Spanish citizens feel that the legal drinking limit should be lowered to zero. It is currently 0.25 mg. Many feel that if a person drinks, they should get behind the wheel to drive. Over 40% of fatalities that occurred in Spain in 2008 were caused by people that were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. So be careful when you are driving. Perhaps the Spanish leaders will go ahead and make the change now that they know their citizens what tougher rules.


A new bishop was named by the pope. Monsignor Gines Ramon Garcia Beltran is now the new bishop of Guadiz located in southern Spain. The former bishop was required to retire. He had reached the maximum age of 75. Monsignor Garcia was born in Lorca in 1961 and was first ordained in the church September 20, 1985.


The bad economy has not escaped Spain. The highest unemployed groups are women and young adults. In fact the rate for persons 25 and under is 42.9 percent. This is almost 1 out of every 2 people. The country is taking measures to try and bring jobs to lower this. Unemployment is such a big fear that many people are afraid that they too might soon lose their jobs. It has reached an astronomical proportion that many people cannot sleep for stressing over whether or not they will be able to pay their bills. Many feel that they might not have funds to last them the entire month. Women tend to worry the most. It is no wonder since they are one of the highest unemployed groups.

The jobless claim for Spain was up for the fourth month in a row. There are now over 900,000 that have filed such claims in the past year. Many have been caused by the recent collapse of the construction industry. Though the number for November was slightly less than in October many people can't find jobs. The total current number of unemployed persons is now at a high of 3,868,946.

Spain News website - Grab the Latest Spain News & Articles

domenica 6 dicembre 2009

Happy to help

There is always a necessity for a shared committee or a medium to confer the issues and problems. People tend to get cheated by various vendors and common bodies and do not have a place to discuss their issues. The consumer forum works on this standard where people can grumble about their problems regarding the services that they get to the common body and it will be taken to the consumer court.

Consumer court forum acts as a mediator between the service provider and the consumer and debates the complaints rose by the customer on the service provider. If the complaints are proven by proper documents and evidence then the consumer is eligible] for a very good compensation form the service provider or the vendor. For example if a consumer buys an electronic thing and the item burns or suddenly gives an electric shock to the consumer which results in burns then this becomes a very complex case where the consumer can apply for I reimbursement not only for the item bought but also for the remedial expense and also the pain that he has undergone.

The Consumer court can choose the proper and eligible compensation paid for each case. The Consumer court forum is considered to be consumer's best friend, so do not pause to contact them if you have a need.

venerdì 4 dicembre 2009

Branding your business with a logo design

There is a saying that a picture says a thousand words. This is even more of a reality when it comes down to a website. Very first thing a site visitor notices is the site name and logo. Some visitors will stay on the site to browse through it and some will leave lot sooner. Regardless of the duration of the stay, a site needs to make a first impression so that the visitors can remember the site name for future visits. This is where branding your business with a logo design comes handy. A good and attractive logo not only makes a positive first impression but also conveys the site message and/or URL.

Branding is important in any business. Whether it is a website or a physical business, no business can do without a professional logo these days. A logo represents the actual company so more attractive and appealing the logo is, more popular the business can be. A prime example would be the McDonalds Arch that represents the restaurant chain McDonalds. Travelers driving on the highway instantly know that there is a McDonalds restaurant on the next exit when they see the sign with an arch.

With so many competing companies out there these days in the same categories, it is hard for customers to remember a specific business by name. A well designed logo is what sets a business apart form the competition. While it is difficult for someone to remember a business name of a new or unknown business, a logo is what makes the potential customer connect with the actual business. Your business logo is an actual symbol that provides customers with quick and powerful brand recognition for your business.

Confident branding and a strong branding tactic uses logo design to communicate a message that attracts the prospective customers that your business wants to attract. This would be a message that builds confidence in your brand while separating you from your competitors. It is the time to ask yourself the question, does my logo fulfill this objective? If the answer to this question is no, then it may be time to consider strengthening your brand strategy and considering a new logo to re-position your business.

If you are looking to get a logo for the first time or re-considering your branding strategy with a new logo, you should keep one thing in mind that a logo should convey your business motto. Not necessarily a complex overworked logo with lot of design elements will be best for your business. It may be a plain and simple logo that can do the job just right. If you are not a logo designer or don't have designers on the payroll, you can outsource your logo design to a good freelance designer or a logo design company. If you plant to hire a designer, make sure you ask to see the portfolio to get an idea as to what type of design you are looking at. Also do remember to ask whether or how many revisions the designer will be able to make as you may not end up liking the log the designer designs for the first time. A good designer will offer unlimited revisions till the client is satisfied.

James Taylor is a professional web designer for Web E Designer, LLC. With over 10 years experience as a website designer he provides support to all of our clients. If you need a web designer or just looking for tips visit our website.

giovedì 19 novembre 2009

Providing a Comfortable Bed for Your Dog gets a Good Night?s Rest for You Too!

Chances are, if you purchased your dog as a puppy like I did, you want to cuddle and bond with your baby when you brought them home. If you?re like me, you may have started out with the puppy in your bed, perhaps at the foot of your bed, to keep him or her safe. It?s a great idea with the best of intentions but in the long run, if you don?t want to have you bed occupied by your pet on a regular basis, the best thing to do is to start them out the right way, which is with their own sleeping space.

One of the best types of beds on the market today is the bowser dog beds. I admit, I experimented with some of those department store type sleeping items for my dog after I discovered I wanted my bed back and couldn?t reclaim it that easily and they just didn?t work out. Before I discovered these great beds, I spent a small fortune on sleeping aids and nothing seemed to work until I found him one of these bowser dog beds.

Of course, there was a transition period and process to go through to get him to go from my bed to his own, but in no time at all, he was absolutely delighted to get into his own bed at night and get a good night?s rest and you know what? I started to get a good night?s sleep as well, knowing he was comfortable and at ease in his own bed and not mine.

One of the most popular styles is thebowsers donut bed and rightfully so. This design comes in a variety of sizes and a wealth of colors. Gone are the days when you have to rush and put away your dog?s bed before guests arrive because these beds are not just comfortable but they look great. For those who like to color-coordinate their room?s furnishings, there are many different colors to choose from so that your dog?s bed matches the room?s décor perfectly.

Did you know that choosing a bowser donut bed for your dog means you?re choosing from an industry leader that?s been making quality beds since 1998? The donut shape is particularly suited to dogs of all shapes and sizes and provides a comfortable place for sleeping at night and nap time at any other time of day. These smart-styled donut beds are also great for dogs that are under the weather and want the comforting feeling of being coddled. This style of bed provides protection from drafty areas and is good looking enough to place in any room with confidence and coordination to existing décor.

Once I selected a bowser donut bed for my dog, we were so pleased that I ordered several more to put in other rooms around the house. Now he has the option to relax in comfort that matches my color in various rooms. It was one of the best decisions I could have made for both of us, especially when it comes to my bed.

mercoledì 18 novembre 2009

Super Shocking Win Versus Super Shocking Loss In Slots

Playing online slots is as easy as you play in a real time slot. Just decide on the number of coins you are going to play and hit the spin. The interesting thing about online casino slots is that unlike classical slots you have a wide variety of reels and paylines to choose from.

Bankroll management is pretty easy in slots once you decide on the standard set of machines you will be playing at. However, if you are getting to be very greedy about winnings, there is a risk that you might burst out from playing within your bankroll and this is essentially a dangerous signal for your money management plans.

Whether you are playing the classical slots or the multi-reel, multi-payline slots you got to start the play with a plan. Whether you are going to play just for 15 minutes or for an hour or even more, you got to have a spending plan.

Slots are essentially a game of luck. The only way to plan and optimize your winning in slots is by working out efficient loss management plan. Loss management plan involves a careful process of betting where you will be trying to catch up on your losses incurred in the slots play.

However, catching up on your losses in slots play will be risky beyond a limit. Regardless of how you strategize to play casino slots it is still based on what the random number generator deals that will decide your pattern of play and winning process. You are just trying to arrest the odds in your favor.

A one-sided approach to making your bets in online casino slots will not be healthy either. For instance if you are following a progressive betting pattern you might be betting more or betting less based on your money management plan for the game for the day. If suddenly you are meeting up with a dirty loss for the day, it is essential that you do not be thrown to floor with the super-shocking loss, just simply stop the play for the day. If you are going up to make a super-shocking win for the day, again just stop the play for the day.

Playing after a super-shocking win or a super-shocking loss when both are beyond your planned limits will be likely proceeding in an emotional excitement or emotional depression. So, when you meet up with either of this kind of play, stop for the day. Learning to say enough is enough is an important key to money management in slots.

Increase Sex Drive Fast! 3 Powerful Sex Boosting Supplements!

If you have a testosterone deficiency, chances are good that your doctor has mentioned testosterone replacement therapies.

These may be in the form of injections, patches or pills. Unfortunately these treatments come along with many unwanted side effects.

If you want to avoid these negative side effects, you may want to consider Natural Testosterone Replacement instead.

Mother Nature has provided several natural herbs to increase your testosterone levels without the dangerous side effects of prescription medications..

These include herbs such as ashwagandha, horny goat weed and muira puama.


Ashwagandha is an Indian herb. Ayurvedic Medicine has long known about the herb's beneficial effects on the male reproductive system. The herb contains substances that mimic the natural androgens in the body. These substances are called withanolides. When ashwagandha is taken, it acts like testosterone. Libido returns to normal levels and erection problems are relieved.

Horny Goat Weed!

Horny goat weed is well known in Chinese Medicine. It is an herb of legend. It is believed that the herb was found by a goat herder who noticed a marked increase in his herd's sexual behavior after they imbibed the plant.

Today, it is not only used as an aphrodisiac, but also to normalize the body's hormone function.
Low testosterone levels are Naturally Increased
when it is taken. It is also helpful in treating the symptoms that come with low testosterone levels.

Muira Puama!
The men of Peru are well-versed in muira puama. They have been using it for centuries to relieve the sexual difficulties that result when testosterone levels drop as they age.

In one study, it restored libido to 62% of participants and improved erection power in 51% of participants. Even more amazing, these results happened within the first two weeks of treatment.

While low testosterone levels often comes a result of aging, you do not have to let the process of aging keep you from enjoying a healthy libido for years to come.

These three natural supplements are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to naturally improving your testosterone levels.

For Information On...

More Than 2 Dozen More Powerful Sex Boosting Herbs!


A little known secret that teaches you how to cycle your supplements so they deliver a powerful hormonal punch each and every time you take them,


Boost Your Low Testosterone

martedì 17 novembre 2009

At your finger management

The plan to invest at any moment is up to the investor who looks for risk free and friendly environment which gives ample confidence at all moment. Forex trading system has a well structured and planned activities which makes the whole working a fine one and easily manageable.

Any systematic work will bring the expected result and such a one can be find in the forex trading. The forex investment one plans to go for will be in a position to find the real trend behind the system and the trading unit. The trend as it is evidence with so many investors clears our doubt. A vast variety of scheme it provides also could be identified as an investor and manage our own account. Automated forex trading is a plus point with them as it give all transactions in online when preferred.

If anyone wants to deal personally can go for that also. That is the flexibility provided by forex investment which accounts for very free and flexible trading. Also up to date status of our trade account can be evoked at any moment through the automated trading. This puts one in satisfaction when bothered about the dealing at any moment.

A sudden decision taken at the side of the investor also is welcomed and abides by that decision in carrying out the trading account.

All About Pool Cue Tips

Do you think that your choice in tips is the right choice or simply politically correct? What I mean by politically correct is, is your choice in tips controlled by the opinion of your peers or some professional player that you know, or is it based on fact? By the end of this article you should be able to answer this question for youself.

What are the differences in pool cue tips?

As you probably already know, you have everything from very soft singlepiece animal skin tips from various types of animals (elk, cow, water buffalo and cape buffalo) to very hard single piece animal skins. There is also the laminated tips ranging anywhere from three to fifteen layers. The laminated tips also range from soft to extremely hard using various animal skins and tannages. The end result is a myriad of confusing choices. I would like to unmuddy the water for you somewhat. All of these variables can impact power, accuracy, and your sight picture.

First let's assume that you already know that the shape or radius of the tip is of utmost importance and must be maintained at all times during gameplay. That very important shape that I just mentioned is the radius of a dime (roughly) or a "0.375" radius. In other words, hold a dime edgewise up to your tip and look over the top... If it does not match the shape or radius of a dime on the top of your tip, you've already got a problem.

When the ball is struck by the tip, the portion of the tip that takes the force is no more than an eighth of an inch offcenter in all directions. This is true regardless of whether you've struck the cue ball a sixteenth off center, or a full tip off center. What this radius does is generate the force, regardless of where it is struck, to the center of the tip and down through the center of your cue. Soft tips create more distortion than harder tips. In otherwords, a larger area of the tip makes contact and wraps around the cue ball in the case of a soft tip. This may give you more tip confidence, particularily if you're a beginner, because you will miscue less, despite having a sloppy stroke; but, the price you will pay is less power and a whole lot more deflection of the cue ball, because you have moved all of the tip to one side of the cue ball with virtually no penetration. On the other hand, a hard tip will focus the energy in a much smaller area at impact and will give you a higher degree of penetration. When I speak of penetration, I mean the force being directed to the cue ball by virtue of the direction the cue is being swung or pointed and that force penetrates the cue ball in the direction that the shaft or cue is being driven. As an added bonus, a harder tip lasts longer.

What about miscueing with hard cue tips?

The simple fact of the matter is, that the small, glasslike particles of chalk, which cause the friction, are held higher up on the surface on a hard tip so that they will penetrate deeper into the surface of the cueball at impact. A soft tip allows more particles to come into contact because of it's increased tip surface at impact; however, though there be more particles in contact with the cue ball, it does not penetrate the cue ball as deeply and therefore creates less friction per particle. Bottomline: You have the choice of either more particles penetrating less or fewer particles penetrating more... The net total friction is about a trade-off. Whether the tip you choose is one single piece of hide or laminated multipe pieces of hide, the key issue is the more penetration means more accuracy, more power, and tremendously less cue ball deflection and negative effects on your sight picture. As a side note: You've probably noticed, if you've played much, that a tip plays its best just before it has to be changed. This is because it has been pounded enough through constant play to make the tip more dense (harder in all areas).

What does Meucci Originals do with this information?

After testing every tip on the market, and measuring it's resultant power and deflection variation, we have found that a hard tip with even harder outside edges around the circumference will perform the best. Harder outside edges so that the energy is directed into the cue will be focused more towards the center of the shaft, while at the same time keeping the outside walls of the tip from breaking down. There is only two ways to get this result: 1. A hard water buffalo tip. or 2. To compress the tip of your choice as hard as you can, then shape to a dime radius and then pound the outside edges to further harden the circumference and reshape that area to be once again a dime radius.

We take both the latter and former choice at Meucci Originals with the well-known Le Professional tips or hard water buffalo tips. I hope I haven't caused you even more confusion. I think the choice should now be simple: your choice should be made according to knowledge and experience instead of the fashion of the day.

Super-Shocking Win Versus Super-Shocking Loss In Slots

Playing online slots is as easy as you play in a real time slot. Just decide on the number of coins you are going to play and hit the spin. The interesting thing about <a href="" target="_blank">online casino</a> slots is that unlike classical slots you have a wide variety of reels and paylines to choose from.

Bankroll management is pretty easy in slots once you decide on the standard set of machines you will be playing at. However, if you are getting to be very greedy about winnings, there is a risk that you might burst out from playing within your bankroll and this is essentially a dangerous signal for your money management plans.

Whether you are playing the classical <a href="" target="_blank">slots or the multi-reel</a>, multi-payline slots you got to start the play with a plan. Whether you are going to play just for 15 minutes or for an hour or even more, you got to have a spending plan.

Slots are essentially a game of luck. The only way to plan and optimize your winning in slots is by working out efficient loss management plan. Loss management plan involves a careful process of betting where you will be trying to catch up on your losses incurred in the slots play.

However, catching up on your losses in slots play will be risky beyond a limit. Regardless of how you strategize to play casino slots it is still based on what the random number generator deals that will decide your pattern of play and winning process. You are just trying to arrest the odds in your favor.

A one-sided approach to making your bets in online casino slots will not be healthy either. For instance if you are following a progressive betting pattern you might be betting more or betting less based on your money management plan for the game for the day. If suddenly you are meeting up with a dirty loss for the day, it is essential that you do not be thrown to floor with the super-shocking loss, just simply stop the play for the day. If you are going up to make a super-shocking win for the day, again just stop the play for the day.

Playing after a super-shocking win or a super-shocking loss when both are beyond your planned limits will be likely proceeding in an emotional excitement or emotional depression. So, when you meet up with either of this kind of play, stop for the day. Learning to say enough is enough is an important key to money management in slots.

lunedì 16 novembre 2009

Spanish Paradise - Five Divisions Of Weather Spain Is Famous For

Spain is a place that attracts millions each year. Some wish to live here. Others would rather visit for a nice vacation getaway. One of the most important factors to influence their decisions to come here is the great weather Spain offers. There are typically five weather patterns that Spain is known for, and they each coincide with the five different regions that make up the country. One thing that all of these weather patterns have in common is the warmth and comfort they offer both citizens and tourists. Into everyone's life a little rain must fall, but it is not the rain that makes the weather Spain offers something special. It is the tropical, breezy, and refreshing qualities that matter the most!

If you are wondering just which type of weather Spain provides to the different regions within its landscape then read on for a brief synopsis of the weather type and the kind of locale where you will find it:

Continental Mediterranean: This is the climate you will find in the interior areas of the Spanish peninsula. It is most known for the city of Madrid. With a Continental Meridian climate, the weather Spain offers is truly the best of both worlds. The seasons change regularly as with most continental climates, which means you will get cold winters and warm summers, but at the same time, you get a nice influence from the Mediterranean Sea itself. It is very rare and sets apart the area where it is found from the rest of the world.

Oceanic: The Bay of Biscay and the area of Galicia are two areas where you will be able to enjoy Spain's oceanic climate. Often called Green Spain, it is here that you will find moderately cool summers and winters. If you like consistency with your weather, Spain gives you just that - a major drawback if you are partial to the seasons, but something you will appreciate when winters get too chilly.

Semiarid: In the city of Murcia, you will find a drier climate. The semiarid climate gives you a taste of the best qualities Spain's weather has to offer. While semiarid climates such as those found in Murcia receive low annual rainfall, they do receive a great deal more than you will find in arid locations.

Mediterranean: This climate owes much to the effects of the Mediterranean Sea. It is characterized by warm to hot dry summers and cool wet winters. In Spain, the areas where you will find this particular climate type along the Andalusian plain along the Pyrenees, eastern and southern coasts. Sandwiched between sea and mountain ranges, it is a cozy area and a terrific location for anyone who loves the sea!

Subtropical: Las Palmas in the Canary Islands is where you will find the subtropical climate. It is characterized by warm winters and hot summers.

The weather Spain offers is some of the best in the world. Make the trip and see for yourself. You will not be disappointed. In fact, the only drawback is that if you do not live here, you will find yourself wanting to return again and again. And while that can get a little pricy, it is completely worth it!

Weather Spain - Available on Spain News website.

mercoledì 4 novembre 2009

Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally! Without Doctors! Without Drugs!

You can go the medical route, and deal with doctors visits, medical insurance, prescriptions, injections, patches, gels and creams, or...

You can keep it simple, and use over the counter Testosterone Boosters instead.

These herbs, if chosen wisely, and taken correctly, will do wonders for your male hormone levels, and they will do so without excessive side effects.

You can't say the same about traditional testosterone replacement therapy.

Go that route, and you're likely to suffer several of these unwanted side effects...


Hair Loss



Wild Mood Swings

Water Retention

Sexual Lows and Highs


Gyno (Development of Male Breasts)

Testicular Atrophy (Shrinking of the Testicles)

Boost Your Testosterone Levels!

These negative side effects are what motivated me to look for alternatives to traditional hormone replacement therapy in the first place.

Through trail and error, I've discovered excellent products that boost testosterone levels very effectively.

Following are some of my favorites...

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat ali, also known as "Asian Viagra" has been around for centuries. Its scientific name is Eurycoma longfolia. It's a slender tree, which grows about 32 feet tall from Malaysia, Thailand, lower Burma and Indonesia.

Natives use this plant to treat low libido, erectile dysfunction, and impotence. A scientific study proved its effectiveness in increasing the body's production of testosterone. Lab tests proved that it increased human production of testosterone bu a whopping 400%.

Tribulus Terrestris

Practitioners of Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine have been prescribing tribulus terrestris as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years. Protodioscin is a steroidal saponin found in the herb. In studies, protodioscin triggered the release of nitric oxide, a naturally occurring gas in the body which serves to relax muscles and improve blood flow.

It also increases levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Testosterone is the hormone responsible for male sexual growth, development and function. DHT is believed to play a role in libido and also helps to keep estrogen in check. When tribulus terrestris is supplemented, these all come together to aid in boosting libido levels, fighting off fatigue and improving erectile function.

Catuaba Bark

Visitors to Brazil often find catuaba bark offered as an ingredient in smoothies by roadside vendors. It is a vey popular herb in this country as it increases libido. It has tonic properties and works to balance the entire body, including the male reproductive system.

It also treats sexual weakness, enhancing erection power. Many users report an increase in erotic dreams and sexual thoughts while taking the herb.

For information on more than 2 dozen other testosterone boosting supplements.....

As well as info on a little known secret that teaches you how to cycle your herbs so they deliver a powerful hormonal punch each and every time you take them,


Natural Testosterone Boosters

lunedì 2 novembre 2009

Spanish Airline Strike Leads To Hundreds Of Flight Cancellations

Cabin staff of the Spanish Iberia Airline went on a 48-hour strike, leading to over 400 flights being cancelled and thousands of passengers being inconvenienced.

Cancelled flights include domestic, European as well as trans-Atlantic flights. Over 440 flights out of 2000 have been grounded. This strike has been called by the unions CTA and SITCPLA, in protest of a four-year pay freeze for around 4,300 cabin staff. Another cause for protest is that other Iberia workers, for example pilots, have seen wages rise in the meantime while their own stay stagnant.

Iberia has expressed its regret that labor unions should demand pay increases, especially in view of the dismal scene in the aviation sector throughout the globe. The strikers have refused to back down, however, and have planned further stoppages for November 10 and 11.

Worst affected was Madrid's Barajas airport, where over 200 flights failed to take off as 600+ workers joined the staff strike. Passengers have been deeply inconvenienced by the strike, and some are greatly enraged at Iberia for refusing to pay for an extra day's hotel stay caused by the strike. However, Iberia has promised to offer alternative flight dates or to refund the tickets.

However, Madrid's inflation rate is extremely high at the moment - the official figure is between 3.6 and 4 per cent, which is one of the highest in all of Europe. This puts the workers in a position where living slowly grows closer to the untenable, especially in view of the jobs being lost in the global recession and added pressure on the earning members of the family.

It is not known yet how this will impact the downward spiral in Spanish tourism. Spain is doing all that it can to revive this failing industry, including a deal with English football club Liverpool giving the Spanish Tourism Board (Turespana) global rights to promoting Spain as a travel destination.

In order to revive its flagging business, Iberia Airlines have also considered other options, among which are:

* A merger with the equally fragile British Airways, which seems to have fallen through as a result of the current airline strike

* A code sharing agreement with GOL, a carrier based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This is aimed at enhancing access to the Brazilian, Spanish-speaking market. If this is implemented, the two companies will also share Frequent Flyer points, resulting in a stronger loyalty program.

These are all parts of a structural overhaul designed to counter the steeply declining revenues caused by the global recession. Other components of this overhaul include -

* creating a new subsidiary airline by 2011 that will handle its short-haul and medium-haul flights.

* Pay freeze throughout the company for 2010 and 2011, or until the new airline is in operation.

* Laying off cabin staff above the age of 55, amounting to about 200 ground staff.

* Saving up to 37 million euros a year in 2011 and 2012 in overhead costs.

The major positive fallout of Iberia's restructuring and Spain's declining tourism is that this is an extremely lucrative time to travel in Spain. With Spanish hotels and airlines offering packages at all-time low rates, this becomes the best time to capitalize on the opportunity.

Learn about the latest incidents in Spain by reading Spain News. If you are making a trip to Spain, check out the latest Hotels Spain information.

domenica 1 novembre 2009

Herbal Testosterone! Over the Counter Supplements that Really Work!

Open any magazine or turn on the television and you'll more than likely find an advertisement for supplements that claim they will improve your sex life. However, not all of these Testosterone Boosters stand up to the hype.

To avoid getting scammed, consumers need to take the time to read ingredient lists and make sure all of the herbs are really capable of boosting male hormone levels.

Read on to learn about some that do!


In a 2001 Saudi Arabian study, it was found that ashwagandha increased luteinizing hormone (LH). In men, this hormone stimulates the Leydig cells, cells found in the testicles which produce androgens, including testosterone. It was also found to have a sperm-generating effect.

Tribulus Terrestris!

A 2005 study by Singapore scientists revealed that tribulus terrestris stimulates the brain's androgen receptors. This led to increased erection power and sexual activity. Other studies have identified at least eight steroidal saponins in the herb, which are similar to naturally occurring steroids in the body and act in a like manner. The herb also increases nitric oxide levels, which aids blood flow to the pelvis, resulting in rock hard, long-lasting erections.

Horny Goat Weed!

Horny goat weed, or epimedium, acts similar to Viagra according to a Taiwanese study. The herb inhibits an enzyme called PDE-5. This enzyme interferes with the ability to achieve an erection. The herb was also found to relax the tissues in the penis, allowing them to fill more completely. This enables users to produce and sustain erections. Finally, the herb acts on the cells that control nitric oxide production.

Tongkat Ali

Numerous scientific studies have proven that tongkat ali increases sexual behavior. Alkaloids found in the herb have stimulating effects on dopamine, which plays a role in sex drive. The herb may also reduce the activity of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), freeing up testosterone in the body. With the increased free testosterone, the symptoms of low levels will disappear. Your sexual desire will reappear, and with it, your erection power.

Cnidium Monnieri!

Laboratory tests have found that cnidium monnieri contains osthol. A 2004 Chinese study found that this compound increased levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormones. It also improved the activity of nitric oxide. Another study found the osthol also relaxed the corpus cavernosa of the penis, improving erections and staying power.

Passion Flower!

Chrysin, the active compound of passion flower, has been the subject of over three hundred studies. It has been found to inhibit aromatase, the enzyme responsible for testosterone breakdown and conversion. In a study done in India in 2002, rats treated with chrysin exhibited improved libido, increased sperm count and better potential for fertilization. Larger litters were a result of the supplementation, which indicates that passion flower may be helpful in treating infertility.

Herbal Testosterone!

For Information On...

More Than a Dozen Testosterone Boosting Herbs!


A little known secret that teaches you how to cycle your supplements so they deliver a powerful hormonal punch each and every time you take them,


giovedì 29 ottobre 2009

Kitchen Worktops - An Essential Component of a Happy Kitchen

Unless you like your kitchen, your meals will most probably turn out sub-par. So while setting up your kitchen, make sure that it is done exactly as you want it. The shade and type of paint, the cupboards you may build, and the positioning of your appliances - all these details go into the making of a kitchen that makes a cook happy.

All the things mentioned above can be replaced or redone quite easily. However, there is one thing in a kitchen that is nearly permanent - the worktop.

Kitchen worktops house the sink as well as the cooking range. They are where you do your chopping, blending, washing, drying and serving - basically, almost everything you do in the kitchen. If you eat in the kitchen too, you have all the more reason to pick a countertop that both looks good and serves its purpose perfectly.

There are many materials that can be used to make kitchen worktops. From laminate - bright, vibrant and affordable - you can move to the eternally appealing marble or granite. Each material has its own pros and cons, with cost and maintenance usually being the determining factors for peoples' choice.

The design of a countertop is also crucial. Ideally, the three "hot spots" of a kitchen - fridge/food storage, sink and stove - should form an equilateral triangle, so that walking from any one to the other is an easy process. The countertop should maximize available space, leaving enough room for a cooking range, for dishes beside the sink, and for culinary preparation like chopping, mashing and blending.

For people who enjoy cooking as a creative process, the look and feel of a kitchen worktop is also extremely important. A lot of people are influenced by color much more deeply than they know, and for them it is important to have worktops in colors they like. With shades ranging from pure white to ruby, midnight blue and granite, getting a color of one's choice is not at all difficult in today's market.

Because there are many variables that go into it, buying kitchen worktops is always a 2-step process, not counting the time you spend window-shopping. Most worktop suppliers on their first meeting with you will bring along sample swatches of their materials to help you choose, as well as a catalogue of designs that you can select from. After this, they will fix a date when they come to your residence and install the finished product. This is a somewhat time-consuming process, but it doesn't have to be repeated too often, and the end results are always worth it.

If you have been planning to buy kitchen worktops, now is definitely a good time to make the purchase. All the data you need - prices, materials, user reviews, expert opinions - is available on the Internet, and sellers are always willing to show samples of their products to assuage any remaining fears you might be carrying with you. So don't be afraid to take the plunge - just go ahead and do it.

View Kitchen Magic Worktops such as Omega Worktops on the website Kitchen Magic Birmingham.

mercoledì 28 ottobre 2009

How To Choose And Buy Jewelry

The holiday season is just round the corner, and you may be wondering what gift you can get for your family and friends. For ladies, perhaps the best gift you can get for them is jewelry. Many people still have the perception that jewelry tends to be expensive. However, if you do a quick search on the Internet, you will quickly learn that there are a variety of high quality jewelry that is available at affordable prices. Savvy jewelry designers are creating unique jewelry pieces to target the mass market. So what do you look for, and how do you choose a great piece of jewelry as a gift?

1) Precious stones.

You can narrow down the options by knowing the type of stones that you want on the jewelry. The rarer the stone, the more it will cost you. For example, if you target diamonds, be prepared to spend more. If you have a lower budget, you can target other types of precious stones such as emerald, gemstone, sapphire, or rubies.

Natural stones can produce very interesting designs. They come in many different colors. After processing, they are used to create all types of jewelry, including bracelets, necklaces and ear rings.

If you are interested in natural stones, you can start reading up about them. There are many stories and myths about how these stones can endow its wearer with wealth, joy and happiness. So if you wish that good things happen to the people you love, perhaps natural stone jewelry would make the perfect gift.

2) Design of the jewelry.

Jewelry can come in many different designs. The same stones can come out very differently in the hands of different designers. You can make a quick assessment of the design just by taking a good long look at the jewelry. Notice how you feel inside? Does the jewelry invoke any emotions? Does it attract any attention? How do you feel about the overall design? You can find these answers within yourself.

A well designed piece of jewelry will allow you to feel comfortable wearing them. The art lies in striking a balance in everything. For instance, the jewelry must be attention catching, but it shouldn't be too loud. Bright colors should be used sparingly. The decisions to use colors, patterns, and precious stones can be tricky. That's why if you ever come across a talented jewelry designer, you must always make an effort to go back to the same person for more good stuff!

3) Personality matters.

The wearer already has an existing personality. For instance, small petite ladies would look great with exquisite and elegant looking jewelry pieces. When you buy jewelry for your family and friends, remember that the jewelry you are buying should enhance the personalities of the wearers. Don't buy a thick gold chain for a small little lady. Yes, the chain may cost a bomb, but it just doesn't suit the wearer!

If your looking for precious Bigiotteria or want to learn more about
Orecchini filigrana then please visit our site.

martedì 27 ottobre 2009

Weight loss drugs

Nowadays health has become a very important factor of concerns amongst everyone. They have started to maintain perfect ways to maintain their health. Especially people who look stuffy in appearance have started reducing their weights. Some of the things that are essential to reduce weight are the ephedrine weight loss. This is an appetite suppressant that is used to control weight. The other weight loss drug is the ECA stack. This is also similar to that of the ephedrine drug. The usages of these drugs are very simple. There are various types of ephedrine that are available in the market. Some of them are the Vasopro Ephedrine. Some of the other ephidras are the Liodrene Ephedra, Metabodrin 365 Epehdra, And Yellow Devils Ephedra.

These are also weight loosing medicinal drugs that are available in the market. These have to be consumed only with the advice of the physician. Else may prove to be harmful. The reason for this is that these drugs are all very toxic in nature. Their dosage is of very high and very powerful. So these should be consumed only after the consultation of a physician. They can be consumed just like pills and does not require any special treatment to consume them.

domenica 25 ottobre 2009

The Top 5 Over The Counter Testosterone Boosting Supplements!

After testing hundreds of Testosterone Boosting Herbs and supplements over the last 10 years, I've discovered 5 that are the most effective at increasing male hormone levels.

Use all 5, and cycle them regularly so you don't build up a tolerance, and you'll be well on your way to increasing your testosterone levels for good.

Tongkat Ali!

Numerous scientific studies have proven that Tongkat Ali increases sexual behavior.

Alkaloids found in the herb have stimulating effects on dopamine, which plays a role in sex drive.

The herb may also reduce the activity of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), freeing up testosterone in the body.

With the increased free testosterone, the symptoms of low levels will disappear. Your sexual desire will reappear, and with it, your erection power.

Catuaba Bark!

In the libido department, Catuaba is a very close second behind Tongkat Ali. Benefits include increased energy, frequent erections, elevated mood, and increased sexual thoughts and motivation.

In the US this herb was hard to find until very recently. Now there is a very high quality source that is widely available.

Follow the link to my website below for information on the product I use.

Tribulus Terrestris!

Tribulus Terrestris is a very popular natural supplements for testosterone replacement. If you've tried it in the past without success, you probably made one of two common mistakes. You either did not cycle it properly, or you took the wrong product.

I've found many Tribulas products to be of very low quality, despite wild claims, and impressive packaging. Use a quality product, and cycle it so you don't build up a tolerance, and this will quickly turn into your favorite supplement to boost testosterone levels naturally.

Horny Goat Weed!

Horny goat weed is a very descriptive name for the plant, Epimedium, but there's logic behind the name. Early shepherds watched their goats and noticed that every time they ate the weed, they were in the mood for mating.

Horny Goat Weed Benefits Include:

Elevated Libido

Larger ejaculations

Increased sexual thoughts and motivation

Stronger Firmer Erections

Mucuna Pruriens!

This supplement works very well as a natural testosterone booster, and it comes along with some very nice side effects as well.

I call it the getting it done supplement. Energy, drive, and motivation are all increased while supplementing with this herb.

Mood is enhanced, and you'll also notice you're more out there in the personality department.

It's a great herb to take before going to a party because you'll be more outgoing and confident.

For information on more than a doen more sex boosting herbs visit:

sabato 24 ottobre 2009

Spain News And Weather Spanish News in English

Spanish news in English integration of people from different origins has meant that it has had to adapt to their needs and demands. This has also spread into the literary world and nearly all major, daily printed Spanish news in English are readily available throughout Spain today.

Newsagents and kiosks stock various publications Spanish news in English and so that visitors and foreign residents can enjoy the comforts of home.

Various nationalities in their own language meaning that you do not have to speak Spanish to keep up with the Spanish news in English news.

Spain Hotels

If you are heading for a vacation in the beautiful country of Spain.

Are you searching for hotels in Spain? Whatever your budget, compare prices and read reviews for thousands of hotels in Spain. Just select your destination in Spain, the dates for arrival and departure, number of rooms and guests and your preferred star rating to compare

A lot of cheap hotels in Spain have enrolled and more hotels are continually signing up. Whether it is a cheap, middle-level budget or the luxurious Spain hotels you are looking for, this site has the accommodation of your choice...

Weather Spain

Here is the latest weather for Spain, Europe's most popular holiday destination.

Or many, the reason they come to Spain is because of the weather. Northern Europeans flock to Spain to lie on Spain's famous beaches with supposedly guaranteed sun all day, every day. Spain's weather isn't as simple as that.
It is true that in the summer it will usually be sunny, especially in the Spain but in most of the rest of the country too. However, it's also worth noting that July and August can be too hot in so many cities.
Spain Travel

Planning to travel in Spain? Welcome to our Barcelona.

At Madrid & Beyond we design customized vacation packages for those seeking a Spain vacation that offers the opportunity to go beyond all the clichés and discover the heart and pulse of both historic and contemporary Spain.
We provide insiders access to unique places and people... Private cooking classes with top chefs in their own homes, museum tours with curators, personal invitations to private homes of the aristocracy. Private tours of Spain include elite art galleries with entrees to their owners, and of course the best guides in each city.

You can contact us by email at, by telephone on +34 600396428

martedì 13 ottobre 2009

Using Guest Bloggers

Owners of a successful blog that has a large following may sometimes have the need to use guest bloggers. An example of when this practice may be a good idea is when the owner of a popular blog will be unavailable to post new blog entries for an extended period of time. In this case the lack of blog updates may cause the blog to lose traffic so it would be prudent for the blog owner to make arrangements for a guest blogger or a series of guest bloggers to post new items during his absence. The blogger may also wish to announce the intention to use guest bloggers during this period of time to ensure loyal blog visitors are aware of the situation and that it is only temporary. This article will discuss aspects of using guest bloggers such as advertising for guest bloggers, selecting guest bloggers and compensating guest bloggers.

Advertising for Guest Bloggers

There are a number of locations where a blog owner can advertise for guest bloggers. Link building services specifically for bloggers or freelance writers are an excellent option for finding guest bloggers. Job boards for bloggers are frequently visited by experienced bloggers who are looking for new opportunities to blog for compensation. These bloggers may have specific experience with the subject matter of the blog or may simply be adept at creating interesting blogs on a variety of subjects. Job boards for freelance writers are another great option. These writers may not necessarily have experience blogging but they may have other writing experience that is useful. Blog owners should consider posting a detailed messaged specifying the type of work required and duration of the project and asking for clips from the writers which can be used to verify the writer's skill level.

Blog owners may also wish to advertise for guest bloggers on message boards related to the subject of the blog. Visitors of this blog may not necessarily have writing experience but will likely be quite knowledgeable about the subject of the blog and therefore be capable of producing interesting and insightful blogs, or, furthermore, are interested in link building services.

Selecting Guest Bloggers

Selecting a guest blogger should be done carefully to ensure the guest blogger is reliable and capable of producing articulate, informative and interesting blog posts. Blog owners who advertise for a guest blogger on job boards for bloggers and freelance writers should ask for clips demonstrating the writer's ability to write blogs which are interesting and informative. When advertising on a message board for a guest blogger, the blog owner might want to consider using the applicant?s previous posts to evaluate his writing ability and knowledge of the subject matter. He should also consider the type of response the applicant's message board postings typically elicit. This is important because it is a good indication of the type of response the blogs will elicit. Blog owners should also ask the applicants for references and should contact these references to obtain information about the bloggers work ethic and ability to complete projects.

Compensating Guest Bloggers

Blog owners should also carefully consider how they intend to compensate guest bloggers. This can be done in the form of financial compensation or through allowing the guest blogger to post a brief biography with a link to his personal website or blog at the conclusion of the blog post. The latter form of compensation is essentially free advertisement space for the guest blogger. The blog owner may also wish to compensate the guest blogger with a combination of money and free advertising space. Regardless of the method of compensation chosen the blog owner should discuss this with the guest blogger before work commences and should enter a written contract with the guest blogger which explicitly states the terms of the compensation to avoid disputes.

giovedì 8 ottobre 2009

Beginners Guide to Blogging

A blog is basically an online journal wherein you can digitally pen down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and practically anything that you want people to read. Blogs come in different styles, formats, and settings, depending on the preference of the user. Many blogging sites, offer built in features such as hyperlink, straight texts, pictures etc. Some blogging sites, even allow you to put video and mp3's on your blogs.

Instead of writing texts, some bloggers choose to make their blogs more audio friendly, by using spoken word entries. This is called audio blogging.

Basically a blog contains these features:

title- which allows you to label your post
body- this is the content of your post
trackback- other sites can be linked back to your blog
permanent link- every article that you write has a URL
comments- this allow readers to post comments on your blog.

One of the advantages of blogging, is that it is made of only a few templates. Unlike, other websites that is made up of numerous individual pages. This make it easier for blog users to create new pages, because it already has a fix setting that include: slots for title, body of the post, category, etc.

This is especially useful for first time users, since they can start blogging right away. They can chose from a number of templates that blogging websites provide.

Anyone who wants to start a blog can do so by becoming a member of a blogging website of their choice. Once they've become members, they automatically become a part of that particular blogging community. They can browse through other bloggers pages, and link them back to their own blogs. They can also make comments on other members' blogs.

Blogging is not just limited to personal usage. There are a lot of blogs that follow a theme such as: sports, politics, philosophy, social commentary, etc. These blogs espouse on their specific themes. This way blogging becomes a medium in which people can share their knowledge and opinions about a variety of themes and topics.

Some bloggers even use their blogs as a means to advertise. Some authors advertise their books on their blogs. While other bloggers, use their blogs to shed light to currents issues, events, news and catastrophes.

Nowadays in education, blogs also play an important part. Professors use blogging to document the lessons that they have discussed and taught. This way, students who who have missed classes, can easily catch up with their assignments.

A lot of entrepreneurs benefit from blogging by promoting their businesses on their blogs, with millions and millions of people logging onto the net everyday, blogging has become a lucrative move. Some bloggers who run online businesses promote their merchandise online. While others profit through advertisement.

But by far, the most popular blog type is the one that takes the form of a personal journal. This is the kind that is usually used by first time bloggers. Individuals who want to document the daily struggle of their everyday lives, poems, rants, opinions, find that blogging offers them a medium in which to express themselves.

Bloggers usually communicate within themselves. This is one of the appeals of blogging. It creates a community of people sharing their ideas, thoughts, and comments with each other.

Blogs varying in topics, themes, and set-ups, can be found in blog directories. First time users who want to get an idea of what the blogging world is all about can browse through a number of blogs using these directories. This way they'd get an idea of what these blogging communities are like.

Blogging is popular all over the world. Blog is short for the term weblog. There are no rules when it comes to blogging. Bloggers have the freedom to express themselves how ever way they want, and the best thing about blogging, is that most blogging sites are free.

There are numerous blogging websites to choose from in the net. This give first time users the option of joining a blogging community that appeals to their interests.

Just search any blogging directory and you'd get a listing of a lot of blogging sites that are available on the net. It's easy to search a blogging directory, because it is organized according to category. This way you would get exactly what you are after. Blogging is really for everyone. It is fun, simple and easy.

lunedì 28 settembre 2009

Advertising Inflatable's Can be Custom Made to Any Shape, Colour and Size

When the economy gets tough, almost everyone cuts back on advertising. Unfortunately, this is an unwise move as the best business owners know that this is the best time to invest. After all, advertising is never really a genuine expense. Rather, savvy business owners consider advertising to be an investment. That means the more you advertise, the more money you make.

There are many ways to get the word out about your company, and the products and services that you offer. However, always bear in mind that advertising is a creative field. There is no limit to what you can do, as long as you keep an open mind. For example, do you know that you can get free advertising just by placing huge advertising inflatables in public areas?

Advertising inflatables are made from durable rubber materials and when inflated, they become life size buildings, structures, objects, etc. One of the most commonly seen inflatable in the outdoors is the advertising balloon. The inflatable is injected with helium, which is a gas that floats. The gigantic object, now filled with hot air, rises into the air with an advertising message. Since the balloon is high up in the air, it tends to attract a lot of attention. In a busy city that is already congested with thousands of advertisements, a balloon that is floating in the sky really stands out.

Another inflatable that is commonly seen is the air dancer. The air dancer is a light balloon that stands up straight when inflated. When placed in the outdoors, it has the tendency to bend left and right almost as if it's dancing! The movements tend to capture the attention of any passing cars. For this reason, this item is usually seen around car wash stations to attract customers.

If a lifeless balloon isn't what you are looking for, you can always invest in an inflatable costume. This is a real costume that can be worn by a human being. Someone wearing the costume will certainly bring joy and amusement to the man walking on the street. The balloon looks like it has a mind of its own! This product is best suited for someone looking to distribute advertising materials on the street or during an event. The man in the balloon becomes a cartoon character and can actually be part of the event.

As the saying goes, "Big isn't always better." But in this case, having a big inflatable does help get the message across. You can have custom made giant inflatables that carry your company logo or marketing message. In fact, the bigger the inflatable, the better it is. Who can ignore a giant gorilla that is floating right in the middle of the compound?

Finally, if you are having an event and you are expecting children to be around, you can have a giant inflatable playground for the kids. The playground may consist of slides, tunnels, or castles. If you are promoting some kind of product for children, you can be sure that many parents will be reading your advertising messages as they are keeping a watchful eye over their children.

Learn more about Advertising inflatables and Advertising Balloons.

domenica 20 settembre 2009

Promotional Products To Suit Any Budget

Promoting your business is a very integral part of how well your business does at building clientele, remaining profitable and communicating to people what you have to offer. It does not matter if you sell mud flaps for automobiles or pencil sharpeners, you need to reach your target audience and let them know that you have goods or services to sell them. Usually, the predominant factor that influences how far and wide your promotion reaches is the budget.

Building a flawless reputation for the quality of the goods or services your business has to offer is what the right promotional product does for your company. Whether you want to give away eco promotional products that allow people to save energy and are environmentally friendly because they are made from recycled materials, the bottom line is that it has to be a product that is within your company's budget.

Have a small budget is by no means an indication that you have to sacrifice the quality of product you choose for your promotion. The best way to make a decision on a promotion when looking for a product is to have a firm idea of exactly what your budgetary amount is. If necessary, revisit budget figures and recalculate budget amounts to ensure that your budget is not short or over in the end. Although it is an ideal scenario, choosing promotional products that land you squarely on target for your budget are the best products for your promotion.

Making a lasting impression with these products means that you should give ample consideration to choices that convey your logo and other pertinent information on the outside of a product that people will be glad to receive, view often and are reminded of your business every time they see or use the product. An increasing number of people are very concerned about saving the earth and are extremely appreciative of a company that invests in environmentally friendly promotional tools.

You can make the most of your promotional event such as a tradeshow, grand opening or other celebrated event by using advertising inflatables. Highly visible from a great distance, many people are often compelled to stop and, as a result, patronize the business that gets their attention from the road. This is the perfect way to create a noticeable presence for your establishment that may be less visible from other competitors nearby or to let people know you have a presence in a new location.

A sizable budget for your next promotion is a good thing but don't be swayed from getting high quality products without spending a fortune. Some of the best products are designed for any size budget. Choose from a small amount to meet the needs of one particular event or take advantage of bulk savings and stock up to have the right product in stock and on hand for any needs that arise.

Choosing the right promotional product doesn't have to be a headache. Start with a realistic budget, decide on a sensible product that packs all of the quality and style your budget can afford and shoot for the stars.

sabato 19 settembre 2009

Promotional Products That Deliver On Time and Price

No matter what type of business you are presenting to people, the goods or services that you provide only have a value to those people who are made aware of them. This means that whether you're offering candy wrappers to a particular target market of candy manufacturers or your business is a medical equipment manufacturer who makes live saving medical equipment parts that are required by hospitals around the world, you need a strong promotional product that delivers the message on time and at a price you can afford.

There are many different kinds of promotional products on the market today. Some of these products take advantage of the very best in technology and present targeted audiences around the world with some of the most persuasive campaigns as to why you need or should buy certain products or services. The bad news about these types of promotional items is that they cost a fortune and there is no guarantee that you will reach your marketing objectives or sales goals by making the investment in such items.

The good news is that there are many different promotional products to choose from that you can tailor to suit your needs perfect. These just in time products offer a great deal of variety from anti-stress toys to wine glasses. Whether you're looking for a highly functional office item printed with your logo and details to sit on desks in reception areas and other strategic places in the office setting or you want a novelty item such as a key ring or pen to market to potential customers at a trade show.

Having the right business tool makes all the difference in the world. There is no question that reaching the right audience, whether it is staff members or possible business partners, timing and price are the key factors to help you achieve your marketing and promotional objectives. For the outdoor audience, many regard advertising inflatables as the perfect attention grabbing tool. People are automatically attracted to a large, brightly colored inflatable and your message is naturally observed, driving more traffic to your business and increase sales and clientele, which is the bottom line of your business.

Many businesses want to be sure that they convey an important message about saving energy and using products that are environmentally friendly and their campaigns must reflect their concern for the planet. Fortunately, there are a great number of eco promotional products that serve this purpose. From solar powered calculators to eco friendly mouse mats, your company can reduce their carbon footprint by providing these cost saving products to potential customers, staff members and people in general.

So when you are faced with a deadline and need a promotional product that matches the price you have in mind, be sure to contain your search to a source that ensure you get the products you're looking for at the price you want to pay. Your promotional event will go off without a hitch and your clientele will start to increase.

giovedì 17 settembre 2009

RobinGupta.Com Review

Hello my self Paul & I am here to review about RpobinGupta.Com Seo Services (RobinGupta.Com Review). I have been using Robin Gupta's services for more than a year, and boy, am I pleased! But first I need to tell you a little about myself. Well we are UK based Seo Services provider company which have about 175 UK client, one day my colleague James McDonald Suggest me a name Robin Gupta who own a seo company (RobinGupta.Com) so I contact with Robin to give him a try & we placed a small test order, this test order was done in very professional way I like robin's way of communication, his way of reporting, his way of email support,. Everything was perfect in my first order and my client was quite happy with this service so start talking with Robin Gupta and set up a deal for all type of seo services. It's been one year since I am using Robin Gupta and right now we are using robin's 8 seo services and this is really pleasure to work with RobinGupta.Com. My life has changed. I tell you, Robin is one of the smartest guys I have met! The way he researched my business and found out the best ways to ensure regular traffic to my site has to be appreciated. So if you have a web business, please hear me out.

Actually I tried Robin's premium Complete SEO Services. It is the whole list of services all rolled into one. But of course, you can try a single service if you want. Okay, so here it goes. If you think Directory Submissions Services are obsolete try the one Robin offers. He is constantly updating the list of directories and he manually submits all the pieces. Moreover my site had a lot of Flash and graphics, but Robin found a way to deal with it! His Link Building Service is also very effective. Just imagine your site coming up on the first page of search engines! Obviously, people will flock to it. And this service does just that. That too, at a very low price. Alternately, you can use the Guaranteed Directory Link service. Robin will personally guarantee you approved links in the topmost relevant category.

Also check out Robin's Social Bookmarking Service. I tried it and Robin linked my website to a number of social networking and blog sites. Robin insisted linking my website only to those social networks and blogs which had a high traffic and were relevant to my business. As a result, those links attracted the right kind of people to my site. Thanks Robin! The Forum Posting Service is also awesome. Robin posted my site link on a number of forum posts which led to direct one-way incoming links which were permanent. Search engines also started giving more importance to my website.

Hey, and don't forget to try out Robin's Blog Commenting Service. Actually I think that Robin is a sort of a pioneer in this field. Commenting on a relevant blog and putting a link to my site is something I had never heard. Robin researched my site and put logical comments on blogs which were relevant with a link to my site. Mind you, none of these were considered spam. All of the comments seemed very natural and therefore were not deleted by the blogger AND traffic to my site increased! Moreover the backlinks were all permanent.

I was not very sure about Robin's Press Release Distribution Service. I mean, few people read newspapers these days, especially not the age group I wanted to target to my site. Robin suggested that most newspapers have online editions and search engines love them. So press releases with backlinks to my site were very searchable. Robin made these articles keyword-rich. And he allowed me to upload video clips of my site at no extra charge!

Also try out Robin's Blog Review Service. It's dirt-cheap and he submitted the reviews only on relevant and popular blogs. Don't waste a lot of money on people who will submit your reviews to irrelevant blogs which will ultimately get deleted. Use Robin's. I am sure you won't be disappointed. Robin's Article Syndication Service is the best in the SEO business. He got only approved article links from article directories. I did not have to wait for approval or submit millions of articles. Robin did everything for me.

I think Robin could achieve all he has because of the amazing team of professionals who work for him. These guys can write great stuff which is to-the-point, relevant and concise. Try out Robin's Article Writing Service if you want proof. They write original, unique, keyword-rich articles and once you read them you will be surprised to the amount of research they have done for your site. And to top it all, Robin charges very little for this service.

If you are anything like me, you wouldn't like to spend huge sums of money on unprofessional SEO people. I took a chance and tried It changed my life. I would like to share my website's address with all of you but can't do that for professional reasons. Go ahead and try Robin. I did and planning an encore!