What Pomery & Associates Can Do For You:
Pomery & Associates - Loss Mitigation lawyers can help you save your home. Loss mitigation lawyers and Pomery & Associates can help you bring your mortgage up to date and find out what the best options are to help you get there. As real property lawyers, Pomery & Associates understand the mortgage industry and could help you find a solution you can work with. Lawyers can also introduce you to programs that will help you pay off the amount you owe to the bank and/or lender. When you are in default on your loan and are 30/60/90 days late on your mortgage payment Pomery & Associates can help you save your home.
Loss mitigation is used to describe a third party like Pomery & Associates helping a homeowner, a division within a bank that mitigates the loss of the bank, or a firm like Pomery & Associates that handles the process of negotiation between a homeowner and the homeowner’s lender. Loss mitigation works to negotiate mortgage terms for the homeowner that will prevent foreclosure. These new terms are typically obtained through loan modification, short sale negotiation, short refinance negotiation, deed in lieu of foreclosure, cash-for-keys negotiation, or a partial claim loan or other loan work-out. All of the options serve the same purpose, to stabilize the risk of loss the lender (investor) is in danger of realizing. The different options are available to homeowners to try getting the homeowner to “perform” (pay timely) and cure the potential loss the lender/investor projects incurring through the foreclosure process and auction sale of the property. Pomery & Associates offers loss mitigation services.
Source: Hirrs Blog