Some people seem to have all the luck with coupons. Whenever you complain about the cost of household items, they tell you what a good deal they got on it from X store, using the coupon they found in the newspaper or online. On the other hand, whenever you see coupons, they give you something you wouldn't buy anyway for free with a product you don't use much of.
Is it all luck, or are they putting some effort into this coupon thing? Coupons don't exactly hide away in the darkest of corners, so there must be something that you are missing out on if you haven't been able to get good deals.
Here are some tips that will help you find and utilize coupons to the maximum:
1. Check the newspapers and magazines for coupons
2. Subscribe to local papers that carry coupons for local stores.
3. Do the coupons help you buy what you need? Not all rebates are profitable. If the food on discount will spoil before you can eat it, don't buy it. Money saved is money earned, but money wasted leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
4. Be flexible about brands. In non-critical matters such as washing detergent, use coupons to get the best deals. While food and personal hygiene are areas where such concessions cannot realistically be made, there are a number of areas where trying out a new brand may prove to be worth the money.
5. Buy in bulk. Often, the deals on coupons get better with bigger purchases. Unless the product you buy is perishable, buying in bulk will help you save a substantial sum of money. Splitting these products with friends and neighbors can help you even out the cost.
6. Cash in on clearance sales. Most shops have annual clearance sales to make room for new stock. These are the times when you can get the most wonderful of items for five dollars or less.
7. Use the "special days" well. Other shops have sales every once in a while, when certain items become available dirt cheap for no reason known to shoppers. You don't really need to know the reason, though, when you get a lovely antique living room table for pocket change.
8. Know the shops in your locality. Don't be store-loyal if you want the best deals. Know all the shops, know when they have their rebates, and go to each one as it suits your pocket. You don't want to spend an extra $100 on groceries just because you wouldn't check the store next to your favorite, would you?
9. Look on the Internet. While grocery coupons are best obtained by staying in touch with the local shoppers and papers, coupons for other items - less frequently purchased ones - can also be found online. There are several sites that aggregate coupon deals from well-known stores - online or offline - such as WalMart, Target or Amazon.
Efficient coupon use can cut your monthly grocery budget down to under $25 per person. However, unless that's all you do - and you would still be adding thousands of dollars to your family's budget if there are 4 or more members - you will inevitably end up missing some deals. Start by going for a 40% reduction in monthly expenses, and you will soon be getting the best deals in your neighborhood.
Grab online coupons and deals - Grab free coupons and online deals.
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