Loss of Morning Erections!
Once you lose your morning erections, you can count on the fact that you've lost your Testosterone. As a matter of fact, this is usually the first symptom most men notice. A high T man should wake up every day of the week with with an erection, since testosterone levels are highest in the morning. Once they disappear, it's time to pay attention!
Increased Body fat!
If you've started to carry weight around your butt, hips, and thighs, estrogen is winning the battle over testosterone in your system. Estrogen is feminizing, and will push your body to store fat in feminine locations. Let the trend continue, you may even begin to develop gyno, or male breasts.
Loss of Muscle Mass!
If you have low testosterone levels, you'll find it impossible to maintain muscle. Why? Because you need testosterone to build and maintain lean body mass. When levels get too low, you'll find that the hitting the iron hardly helps, because without T, the pump won't stick. In order to build, and maintain muscle, you need to get your levels back up into the upper range.
Lack of Libido!
The desire to procreate, to pursue woman is a sign that all is well with the hormones in your system. Once that desire goes, you've lost it. And it's not just your sexual desire that you lose. Your energy, drive, motivation, and zest for life all disappear as well.
Mood Disorders!
A man with low testosterone goes flatline in the personality department. You'll lose your wit, your sense of humor, and your personality. Depression is common among low T men. So is moodiness, irritability, and passive aggression.
Think you have to be an old man to experience these low testosterone symptoms?
Think twice!
Poor dietary choices, lack of exercise, and estrogen's in the environment all begin working together to sap you of your T as soon as you hit your 30's. Fortunately there are drug free solutions you can add to your routine starting now that will turn the tide around, and ensure that you maintain your T levels right to the very end.
For information on more than 2 dozen methods you can use to boost your testosterone levels naturally,
Visit: Boost Testosterone Naturally
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