giovedì 15 gennaio 2009

The purpose of a Blog

      One of the main reasons that you would want to create a blog is simply - Google loves blogs! This is because of the fresh content that continuously gets uploaded. As you may have heard many time by now, "content is king". And what this phrase basically means is that Google love new content, they want to see websites that are continuously updating and changing their content. Other website that fall into this category are news website, review websites, forums and community sites. If you do a search's for may different keyphrases you will find that a lot of the organic listing come from these type of websites.

      Another reason to create a blog is that they can get indexed very quickly. Long gone are the days when you had to wait for months at a time for Google to index your website. A blog has the ability to 'ping' you posts. What this means is that you can now let the blog aggregators and search engines know when you have updated new content. But not only that, Blogs also have there own built in RSS feed. This should not be over looked, as it plays a very big part in getting you even more free traffic. Basically, RSS feed is very similar to an email signup. Once your customers have opt-in to your RSS feed, they will be informed (in real time) of any updates that you make to your blog.

What you should be looking for:

      For best results with a blog, you should create multiple blog accounts. There are a few ways that you can go about setting up a blog, we are now going to discuss some of these, and what you should be doing.

      - Install word press on your domain: this is a great way of bringing the traffic back to your main domain. Simply install the blog onto your domain with your website. This can be a bit technical for some people, so it might not suit everyone.

      - Third party blogs: Now days there are so many third party blogs out there on the market, this basically means that you don't need to worry about hosting the blog on your own domain. This is done for you. Some of the best blogs out there that you should go and check out are, Blogger and Typepad (paid blog). It's normally worth your time paying a small monthly fee to create a blog, as Google and the other search engines can rate these as being more relevant and less spammy than the free blogs.
      The purpose of creating multiple blogs is that you can get your content syndicated through multiple blog hosting accounts. Now, you don't have to use the paid for blogs, you can create 10 free blogs and still get great results.

Here are a some of the biggest FREE blogs.
- Blogger - Google
- Yahoo 360 - Yahoo
- Live spaces - MSN

Create a blog for traffic:

      Another great thing about blogs, is that you don't need to write 500 - 700 articles for each posting. Your content should be a synopsis of what you would normally write in an article, it only really needs to be a few paragraphs long. Once you have your content, you can the simply link back to one of your websites that has your offer on it, or a sign up box to capture their name and email address. Another feature that you should be using with your blog, is uploading images to each of your postings. This can increase your conversion rates, if you can upload an image that is relevant to the benefit of your blog post.

Hope this sheds a bit of light on how to create a blog for you beginners out there. Just remember - blog once a day and always ping.

For even more info on this, please visit my website

Good Luck!
Jeff Spires

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